A long time ago, I started a Tumblr. I called it "Tiny Plastic Dead," as in "only the tiny plastic dead have seen the end of tiny plastic war." That's a riff off a quote from the Spanish-American essayist George Santayana - not Plato as it's sometimes thought - and although it's damn depressing, it's also got some poetry that I have always enjoyed
Fast forward about a decade. Tiny Plastic Dead has become much more of a catch-all Tumblr that I use to argue about politics, but I'd still kind of like to post some pictures of models. What's a guy to do? Start a new blog.
What are you likely to see up here?
If you're interested in pictures of minis, WIP shots, discussion of painting techniques, battle reports, and other random brain droppings related to these games, this is the place to be. And if not, get the hell out of here.
Fast forward about a decade. Tiny Plastic Dead has become much more of a catch-all Tumblr that I use to argue about politics, but I'd still kind of like to post some pictures of models. What's a guy to do? Start a new blog.
What are you likely to see up here?
Warhammer 40k
I play Adeptus Mechanicus (Forge World Lucius), Imperial Knights (House Ohrlacc), Space Marines (Exorcists chapter), and Inquisition. Also inside the world of Warhammer 40k, I've got a huge pile of unpainted Escher, some old, OLD school Battlefleet Gothic models, and I'm going to get into Titanicus one of these days.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
I love the entire Death faction, especially ghosts and skeletons, but also vampires and ghouls. I've also got some Stormcast kicking around who I'm going to paint up as Anvils of the Heldenhammer.
I have a bunch of Shaltari stuff. I've always enjoyed the space hedgehogs and their evil tricksiness. Dropzone and Dropfleet Commander appear to have some life in them, and I'm eager to see what comes next.
Dungeons & Dragons
I don't get to play as much D&D as I'd like, but I love to paint D&D minis. My painting time is usually pretty swamped by wargaming minis, but I get the occasional adventurer or monster painted up, and I'll post them here when I do!If you're interested in pictures of minis, WIP shots, discussion of painting techniques, battle reports, and other random brain droppings related to these games, this is the place to be. And if not, get the hell out of here.
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